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Game Name : Street Hoops
System : Playstation 2
Date Added : 2002-08-25 11:48:46
Views : 70992

All courts
At the cheats screen, press Square(2), L1, R2, L1, Circle, L2, Circle.

Super block ability
At the cheats screen, press R1, Circle, L2, R2.

Super steal ability
At the cheats screen, press Square, R2, Square, R1, Circle, L1, Circle, L2.

Power game
At the cheats screen, press R2, Circle, L2, Circle.

Fast clock
At the cheats screen, press Circle(3), Square(3), L1, L2.

Perfect field goals
At the cheats screen, press Circle(3), Square(3), R1, R2.

Shot release text
At the cheats screen, press L1(2), R1(2), Circle(2), Square(2).

Disable momentum meter
At the cheats screen, press Square, Circle(2), Square, L1, L2, R2, Square.

Clown uniforms
At the cheats screen, press Square, L1, Square, Circle.

Cowboy uniforms
At the cheats screen, press Circle, R2(2), R1.

Kung Fu uniforms
At the cheats screen, press Circle(2), Square, L1.

Pimp uniforms
At the cheats screen, press R1, Square, Circle, L2.

Santa uniforms
At the cheats screen, press R2, L2, R2, L2.

Tuxedo uniforms
At the cheats screen, press L2(2), Circle, Square.

Black ball
At the cheats screen, press R2(2), Circle, L2.

ABA ball
At the cheats screen, press Circle, R2, Square, R2.

Normal ball
At the cheats screen, press R1, Square(2), L1.

Alternate clothing colors
When buying clothes, press Up or Down to change the color of all your clothing.

Play as Dennis Rodman
Play on Balla, and get ten or more rebounds. An easy way to do this is to play on 20 minutes.

Play as AO, Booger, Half Man Half Amazing, Headache, Hot Sauce, Speedy, The Future, The Main Event
Before you start playing, you are able to choose which Professional Street Baller you want to use. After that, you use your team and go city to city. The team and player you choose may randomize the ballers. Continue playing and unlock a new baller in each city. You should have them all unlocked at the third to last court on your first run. Note: All ballers when unlocked cost $10,000 each.

Play as Master P and Lil' Romeo
Go to the clothing store (FootAction) before starting a game and keep purchasing P.Miller clothing until you have spent a couple thousand dollars on it. When you leave the store, you should be notified that you unlocked Master P and his son Lil' Romeo.

Play as Xzibit
Successfully complete the ''Lord of the Court'' challenge on any difficulty setting on the Venice Beach court to unlock Xzibit.

Play as Cypress Hill, DJ Muggz, and Bobo
Successfully complete world tournament mode on the "Greatest of All Time" difficulty setting.

Play as Half Man-Half Amazing
Play in world tournament mode and you will play the Urban Hitmen. Defeat them to unlock Half Man-Half Amazing. Note: You need $10,000 to play as him.

Play as Silk The Shocker
Win the Lord Of The Court in Shakespeare Park to unlock Silk The Shocker.

Play as Speedy
Start a world tournament to unlock Speedy.

Play as B Real, Muggs, Bobo and the London Knights team
Successfully complete world tournament twice on the "Greatest of All Time" difficulty setting.

Athens Minotaurs team
Successfully complete world tournament mode three times on the "Greatest of All Time" difficulty setting.

Kinshasha Warriors team
Successfully complete world tournament four times on the "Greatest of All Time" difficulty setting.

San Juan Coquis team
Successfully complete world tournament mode on the "Balla" difficulty setting.

Masta P Make Em Say Ugh & OOOHHWEE music video
Successfully complete world tournament mode three or four times, depending on the difficulty setting.

Xzibit Front 2 Back music video
Successfully complete world tournament mode three or four times, depending on the difficulty setting.

Volume 3 Mix Tape
Win the Lord Of The Court at the Dome.

Volume 4 Mix Tape
Win the Lord Of The Court at the Rucker.

Volume 5 Mix Tape
Win the Lord Of The Court at the Rucker.


Fake Right: Press Up, Down, Right.
Fake Left: Press Up, Down, Left.
Whooow: Press R2, Left, Right, Circle.
Shamgod: Press L1, L2, Up Square.
Around The World: Press R2, L1, Down, X.
Maja Look: Hold R1 + R2 and press Square.
Look Up: Press L2, R2, Down, Up, Circle.
Slip N Slide: Press R1, L1, Square.

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